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Hundreds of thousands of people are homeless on any given day! Help us provide them with shelter and enough to eat now. And then stay around to help us mitigate future homelessness.

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madison home

At MadisonHome, we believe that it is quite possible that someday we could all be homeless. We believe in the prevention of homelessness but ending the existing homeless on a permanent basis does not have a simple or straightforward solution. Survivors and advocates agree that ending homelessness requires systematic change. We hope to mitigate circumstances that trigger homelessness and prevailing circumstances that perpetuate homelessness. Hence, our Community Resource Center at the 5th, provides food, clothing, assistance with personal hygiene, housing, transportation, mental health counseling, and drug rehabilitation assistance. It is also an emergency shelter for winter months (December 15 to March 15) and during colder temperatures. We are here to help and you can join us to do your part. Remember that most people are only a missed rent or salary payment away from becoming homeless! 

Community Resource Center

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